Dress Code Standards

The Governing Board believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment. The Board expects students to wear clothes that are suitable for school activities in which they participate. Students shall not wear clothing that presents a health or safety hazard or is likely to cause a substantial disruption to the educational program. (Board Policy 5132)

The following guidelines shall apply to all regular school activities:

  1. Shoes must be worn at all times. Flip-flops, backless shoes or sandals/crocs are not acceptable.
  2. Clothing, jewelry, and personal items shall be free of writing, pictures, or any other insignia which is vulgar, lewd, obscene, profane, sexually suggestive, or which promotes the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or other illegal activity.
  3. Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments. See-through tops and bare abdomens are prohibited.
  4. Hats, caps, and other head coverings shall not be worn indoors. Students are allowed to wear school-affiliated hats for outdoor use during the school day.

The dress code shall be modified as appropriate to accommodate a student's religious or cultural observance, health condition, or other circumstance deemed necessary by the principal or designee. In addition, the principal or designee may impose dress requirements to accommodate the needs of special school activities, physical education classes, athletic activities, and other extracurricular and co-curricular activities.   (For example, sites may prohibit artificial nails due to safety concerns during recess and PE.)  Due to the fact that trends in student dress change, the administration, in consultation with the School Resource Officer, will determine definitions of what is appropriate and safe for school as it pertains to gang attire.

The principal or designee is authorized to enforce the Dress and Grooming Board Policy 5132 and shall inform any student who does not reasonably conform to the dress code. The dress code shall not be enforced in a manner that discriminates against a particular viewpoint or results in a disproportionate application of the dress code based on students’ gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, household income, body type, or size.