Imperial Middle School People
Assistant Principal
Office Manager
School Clerk
Community Liaison
MTSS Teacher on Special Assignment
IB Coordinator
Social Studies and ELA Teacher
English, Literature and Science Teacher
Language Arts Teacher
English, Read 180, Social Studies and ASB Teacher
ELA Teacher
Language Arts Teacher
ELD / ELA Teacher
Math Teacher
Math Teacher
Math Teacher
Social Studies & Theater Arts Teacher
Science Teacher
Science Teacher
Spanish Teacher
Spanish Teacher
Art Teacher
Band Teacher
Music Teacher
Music Teacher
Physical Education Teacher
Physical Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
RSP Teacher
Speech and Language Teacher
Speech & Language Specialist
Speech & Language Specialist
Licensed Vocational Nurse
Licensed Vocational Nurse
Information Services Analyst
Information Services Technician
Instructional Assistant
Educational Assistant
Educational Assistant
Instructional Assistant
Instructional Assistant
Instructional Assistant
Instructional Assistant
Instructional Assistant
Instructional Assistant
Instructional Assistant
Instructional Assistant
Cafeteria Worker
Cafeteria Worker
Cafeteria Worker
Occupational Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Extended Care Worker
Student Supervisor
Student Supervisor
Student Supervisor
Student Supervisor
Student Supervisor
Psychologist Intern
Counseling Intern
Resource Officer