Entrepreneur Exploration School where Learning is our Business!

Las Lomas is a transitional kindergarten through fifth grade school located in La Habra. We are fortunate to have an extraordinary staff of eighteen fully credentialed classroom teachers, a full time Resource Specialist and a shared Speech/Language Therapist and Psychologist. In addition to our general education population, we also provide services for Pre-School Special Education and LEAP for students identified as needing these support services. The staff is dedicated to providing a safe and engaging learning environment that promotes thinking and learning for our students. Our goal is to provide the skills necessary for our students to become productive citizens. The staff works extremely hard to teach the students the importance of being responsible, respectful students and at the same time striving to develop a love of learning and critical thinking in all students.

Our Entrepreneur Exploration focus provides our students real world experiences, through hands-on project-based learning opportunities. Through a close collaboration with the local businesses of La Habra, the students are becoming “innovation ready”. These partnerships enable the students to explore problems that focus on community issues that are both diverse and centered on inspiring their young minds to engage in creating inspiring learning beyond the textbook. These partnerships assist in inspiring our students to think creatively and critically about community issues and develop the problem solving and communication skills necessary to be engaged learners for the challenging future ahead of them.

We are proud to offer additional enriching extra-curricular activities for our students. The Lang Lang Music Foundation provides our second and third grade students the opportunity to learn keyboarding/piano skills with a trained music teacher two times a week. The Segrestrom Center for the Arts brings Disney Musicals in Schools for our third, fourth, and fifth grade students. Students will learn all about theater and perform a live musical theater production in the spring. All of these experiences will ultimately improve student academic performance, their attitudes toward career possibilities and motivate the students to persevere and seek out a variety of career options.

Our teachers work in weekly professional learning communities to collaborate and discuss student achievement, possible intervention and enrichment opportunities, and how to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all students. Teachers develop short-term goals for students and then use a variety of assessments to monitor student growth and adjust their instruction as needed in all instructional areas. Teachers are continuously asking themselves four key questions when discussing student achievement to ensure student success.

What do we expect students to learn?
How will we know when they have learned it?
How will we respond when they don’t learn?
How will we respond when they already know it?

The parents and the community are a key component to the success of our students; therefore, in addition to our passion for academic success for all of our students, our staff works hard to develop relationships with our parents and extended families. We strive to create an environment in which parents are partners in education here at Las Lomas. One of the ways in which we foster parent participation is through communication. Please visit our website and follow us on social media regularly for current activities/events here at our very special school.

We welcome you to the Las Lomas family and look forward to a fantastic year filled with academic success for all of our students!