Girls in STEM Week

Girls in STEM Week

On Friday, April 10th,  Assemblywoman Ling Ling Chang visited Washington Middle School.  Assemblywoman Chang sponsored a resolution designating April 5-11 as Women and Girls in STEM week and was interested in visiting schools with STEM programs in her Assembly District.  The staff at Washington shared their Project Lead the Way(PLTW).  PLTW is a STEM program where students use Computer Aided Design (CAD) to solve engineering challenges and build prototypes.  Students are actively engaged in using what they know to solve real world problems.  Assemblywoman Chang had the opportunity to observe students demonstrating their knowledge of designing electric circuits and skill at ‘coding’ VEX robots.  Students also shared their amphibious self-propelled vehicles and experience with failure as a process to success.  Assemblywoman Chang shared with the students the importance of learning from failure to create a better solution.