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LHCSD – Strategically Using Resources to Prepare Students for the 21st Century

LHCSD – Strategically Using Resources to Prepare Students for the 21st Century

Teachers participating in a Thinking Maps training.

Local Control Accountability Plan – Goals and Update

In Spring 2015 the La Habra City School District, with input from stakeholders, reviewed and updated the District’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).  The updated plan was adopted by the La Habra City School District Board of Trustees on June 25, 2015.  The LCAP addresses the required eight State priorities and defines a 3-year plan to address the five goals that set the direction for the District.

Goal 1 - Academic Excellence

All Schools will meet or exceed the accountability requirements for students’ academic proficiency.

The District made significant progress in meeting the 2014-15 LCAP identified actions. For 2015-16 our Middle School Academies expanded educational opportunities for all students and all students in grades 6-8 have 1:1 iPads.  The average class size in grades K-3 reduced to 28:1. The Dual Immersion program at Arbolita in grades K and 1st has total of 118 students learning Spanish. The Measure of Academic Progress (MAP), aligned to the Common Core standards, is providing valuable data to guide the instruction of all students in grades 3-8. The addition of 4 Academic Coaches provides additional support in the area of Literacy in grades K-8.  Project Based Learning provides all students access to 21st Century Learning Opportunities with an emphasis on STEM and Next Generation Science Standards. The ‘Imagine Learning’ Program supports our English Learners and Read 180 and our Summer Academy provide support for our most at-risk students.

Students using iPads to support their learning.

Students using iPads to support their learning.

Goal 2 – Business/Finance

Manage District resources to maintain a sound financial position.

LHCSD has just completed the second year of Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown in July of 2013. The LCFF brings new dollars, greater transparency, and more local control to school district funding. The Supplemental and Concentration funding component of the LCFF supports the District’s implementation of program to improve student achievement. Some of these programs include increasing class offerings at our middle schools, reducing class size, providing community liaisons, expanding our physical education program and offering professional development to staff. The chart below demonstrates the District’s previous allocation of funding and shows where we are headed in the future. The new funding model is restoring our base funding to the 2007-08 level which was the District funding prior to the State’s fiscal crisis and adding new dollars to support our most at risk learners.

Goal 3 – School Safety and Student Wellness

Schools are safe, healthy, and secure places for student learning.

School safety and wellness have always been areas of priority for the LHCSD. Our Student Wellness and Welfare Coordinator  works with the City of La Habra, the Orange County Department of Education, and St. Jude Medical Center to support the La Habra Move More Eat Healthy Campaign. Activities include Walk to School Day and the Walking School Bus, hydration stations at all our schools, and ‘Smarter Lunchrooms’ at our Middle Schools. A School Resource Officer supports our schools and we work with the La Habra Police Department’s ‘Cop on Campus’ program to promote positive relationships with the School District, Law Enforcement, and our community. The addition of two physical education teachers for our K-5 schools to support physical fitness is also made possible through the LCFF and our LCAP.

Students at PE

Students at PE

Goal 4 – Parent Community Partnerships

District is supported and respected by the community

A partnership between the school district, parents and the community is integral to the success of our students and schools. The District works with The Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) Parent Engagement Education Program to empower parents on how to foster a positive educational environment for their children both at home and at school.  All nine schools in the La Habra City School District have the support of a bilingual Community Liaison on their school site. In addition to Let’s Talk that provides Parents, Staff and Community Members the opportunity to share comments, compliments, and feedback, we have also introduced ‘Your Voice’ which makes survey data available to all stake holders. ‘ Your Voice’ also invites stakeholders to participate in the conversation.  You may access ‘Let’s Talk’ and ‘Your Voice’ on the District’s website.

Goal 5 – Human Resource Development

Provide continual professional development to all District Staff

Implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and preparing students to be 21st Century learners requires supporting teachers with professional development to enhance their instructional skills. The District provides professional development in the District’s researched based initiatives such as Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI), Extending Children’s Mathematics (ECM), Guided Language Acquisition (GLAD), Thinking Maps, Implementing Technology to support instruction, and Project Based Learning (PBL). In addition, teachers receive support from our highly trained Academic Coaches to guide them in the implementation of these initiatives in their classroom program.

Teachers participating in a Thinking Maps training.

Teachers participating in a Thinking Maps training.