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A Message from Dr. Mario A. Carlos regarding School Safety

See Something / Hear Something / Say Something poster

LaHabra City School District colorful logo

Dear La Habra City School District Parents and Caregivers:

Providing a safe learning environment for our students and staff is a priority for the La Habra City School District (LHCSD). In light of recent events regarding threats to schools across the nation, the responsibility is even greater. Over the past several years, the District has held numerous trainings, meetings, and conversations with staff to continue to refine our safety practices. Our schools are places of remarkable learning and engagement but they should also be safe havens void of unnecessary distress, fear, and anxiety.

Ensuring that our students are safe requires a collective effort where all of us work collaboratively to provide safe learning environments. We would like to reemphasize practices that have been implemented at our school sites over the past several years to minimize vulnerabilities and increase preparedness among students, staff, and families.  Our systematic plan to continually improve school safety includes:

  • All classrooms are equipped with 1-2-3 Latch Locks so that doors remain locked and can quickly be secured in the event of an active threat

  • Security fencing has been installed at all campuses to secure entry and exit points during the school day

  • The District has partnered with Knowledge Saves Lives (KSL).  KSL provides district and school staff ongoing active threat response training

  • Routine active threat drills are performed at our schools to ensure students and staff are trained how to respond in the event of an emergency

  • The District has a strong relationship with the La Habra Police Department (LHPD) which includes a full-time School Resource Officer to assist all our school campuses. The District and LHPD have established ongoing communication regarding school safety and critical incidents

  • Every school has a mandatory school-site safety plan which is reviewed and updated annually to evaluate specific safety measures at each campus

  • The District has implemented software which monitors district-provided student Google accounts for threats of self-harm and threats of violence to our schools

  • All sites utilize the Raptor visitor management system. The system instantly alerts school staff if a visitor is flagged as a security risk

  • ALL staff and visitors wear identification badges or stickers

  • Staff continue to have appropriate grade level discussion with students regarding safety

See Something, Hear Something, Say Something

See Something / Hear Something / Say Something poster

The District has rolled out an awareness-building campaign that focuses on “See Something, Hear Something, Say Something” Please discuss the following topics with your family:  (Not all points are age appropriate for younger students)

  • Know what websites and social media sites your child is using. Look at what they are posting and who they are following.

  • Stress that making a threat is not to be taken lightly and that there are serious consequences which include probable criminal charges along with school disciplinary actions.

  • Watch for changes in behavior and seek help if your child needs assistance dealing with anxiety or feeling safe.

  • Keep an open line of communication with your children and encourage them to tell you or another trusted adult if they become aware of a threat or rumors of violence.

  • If you are reporting an immediate emergency, please always call 911 first. Use the  Student Safety Let’s Talk link on our website to report non-emergency threats and concerns or reach out directly to the La Habra Police Department on their Tip411 link at  http://ca-lahabra.civicplus.com/328/How-To-Submit-a-Tip

As a District and on behalf of our Board of Education,

Cynthia Aguirre, President

Ofelia Hanson, Vice President/Clerk

Emily Pruitt, Member

Susan Kolberg-Pritchard, Ph.D., Member

Adam Rogers, Member

We truly understand that parents, staff, students and community members are especially concerned about school safety. Through our unified vigilance, we can make our schools safer for all. We appreciate the privilege of educating your children and look forward to your continued involvement in creating safe learning environments at our schools.


Dr. Mario A. Carlos
