Heartwarming Events and Lasting Memories at Sierra Vista

Heartwarming Events and Lasting Memories at Sierra Vista

May has been filled with various school events at Sierra Vista. Recently, we cherished heartwarming moments during our "Lunch with a Loved One" event, where students shared laughter and stories with their family members. It doesn’t stop there, as our youngest stars shined brightly during the enchanting first- and second-grade performances, captivating the audience with their sweet voices and boundless energy. Meanwhile, the sixth grade showcase dazzled with creativity and effort, showcasing their future college dreams.

As we look ahead to our final week in school, the sixth grade will be busy with bowling, and a final farewell clap out. Let’s not forget our Final Trimester Award Assembly and our last PBIS Carnival celebration. Here at Sierra Vista, we continue to create unforgettable memories and build connections that last a lifetime.