New Year, New Math Success with CGI at Sierra Vista

New Year, New Math Success with CGI at Sierra Vista

Panthers are thriving with Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) in math problem-solving—and it’s transforming learning for both students and teachers! At Sierra Vista, we are seeing the positive impact of CGI with our youngest learners in Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten. These foundational changes in how students approach math problem-solving are paving the way for success in all grades, TK-6th.

CGI helps teachers guide students toward a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts by engaging their thinking and reasoning. Students are becoming more confident in making sense of problems, explaining their thought processes, and using their own strategies to find solutions. A key aspect of CGI is its emphasis on student-centered learning. By encouraging open-ended discussions and multiple solutions, CGI builds confidence and autonomy. Students take ownership of their learning, leading to improved problem-solving skills, deeper understanding of key concepts, and greater engagement in math. They also develop perseverance and a love for learning that extends beyond the classroom.

Our journey with CGI would not be possible without the support of our district’s professional development efforts, our TOSA Shauhna Feitlin, who has begun coaching cycles with teachers like Mrs. Van Cleave and Mrs. Jeong, and the daily commitment of all our teachers. Their dedication is changing the math culture at Sierra Vista, ensuring that all students feel successful in math. Together, we are building a brighter future in mathematics at Sierra Vista, one problem at a time!