2012 Measure O
School Facilities Implementation Program
Welcome to the La Habra City School District (District) Measure “O” Facilities Implementation Program website. This website is intended to provide information on the District’s Measure “O” and bond program, including background information, an archive of documents relating to the bond program and proposed events and milestones.
Thanks to voter approval of Measure “O” in November 2012, the District has embarked on program to continue to improve local La Habra schools. Measure “O” authorized the La Habra City School District to issue $31 million in General Obligation bonds over time. The bond program was established to modernize classrooms, increase student and teacher access to computers and modern classroom technology, and provide comparable facilities to neighboring school districts.
The District has adopted a Facilities Implementation Program guided by a mission to transform the functionality of school facilities and improve academic achievement. Measure “O” improvements have been designed to support the following objectives:
Transform the traditional classroom through integration of next generation technology and facilities improvements.
Increase student achievement and target enrollment growth through facilities upgrades that could be leveraged to create Academy-style learning environments at the middle school level.
Enhance the sustainability of the General Fund and establish a level of facility quality commensurate with surrounding districts through maintenance, new construction, and energy efficiency upgrades.